
Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Russian retreats, NATO escalation

When NATO members ranging from paralyzed Germany to pro-war Canada balk at shipping tanks to Ukraine for yet another round of escalation, NATO's General Secretary says otherwise. And now Germany follows suit. Canada will be next. The dam has burst.

Does anyone still deny this is a proxy war? It boggles the mind how the stream of arms shipments into Ukraine from NATO countries can be conceived as anything else. What do people imagine a proxy war is?

Friday, January 13, 2023

The All-Party Healthcare Privatization Consensus

As I write, the news is breaking of major new incursions into the hospital sector by for-profit hospitals. Millions in public healthcare dollars are being funneled into for-profit hospitals to "solve" the crisis that has been allowed to deepen by the Ontario PC government. Once the private hospitals are firmly established as necessary components of a "public" system, the new centralized cabinet-controlled Ontario Health Agency will likely begin allowing the private hospitals to apply to run the Ontario Health Teams that have replaced the LHINs (aka regional health authorities).